Examination Protocol

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT THE APPOINTMENT TIME GIVEN TO YOU IS THE REPORTING TIME AT THE RECEPTION AND NOT THE CONSULTATION TIME WITH THE DOCTOR. Prior to Doctor's Consultantion, patient will undergo refraction by an Optometrist and if needed, dilating drops will be put in patient's eyes to examine the retina. This process ideally consumes 30 minutes to 60 minutes or long. If you do not need dilatation, you will be seen by the Ophthalmologist after refraction by the Optometrist. 
We aim to see as many patients as possible and provide you with the best possible treatment outcome safely and comfortably. Facilities include outpatients, inpatients, day-care surgery, and a 24-hour eye accident and emergency department.
It is important that your appointment be scheduled with an Ophthalmologist  appropriate to your needs, in order to obtain the most suitable examination and services.
On the day of your consultation you will be asked to fill up a patient questionnaire. During your appointment our clinical staff (Optometrist) will see you and have tests and examinations. A detailed history of your eye and general condition will be first elicited and recorded by the optometrists. The vision in each eye will be checked, followed by an examination to check any requirement for new glasses or change of your existing glasses, followed by examination of the front part of the eye. The pressure of your eye will also be checked.
In some cases patients may require dilating drops to be administered for either diagnostic and treatment purposes. Eye drops are often administered to enlarge the pupil of the eye to enable better examination of the eye. This dilatation process will take 45-60 minutes. This can blur your vision for a couple of hours. We therefore request that patients do not drive home after undergoing dilatation process. The concerned ophthalmologist will then examine you and inform you the status of the eye condition and the treatment plans.
If the consultant advises for any special procedures like perimetry, fundus flourescein angiography, optical coherence tomogoraphy, etc the nursing staff/patient counsellors concerned will help you undergo the procedure as and when the appointments are available.
Please note that all our facilities operate a non-smoking policy, both in the buildings and grounds.

Our Mission

Establish an eye care centre with all sub-specialties in Ophthalmology. Provide clinical expertise comparable to the best in the world.